Technology Technical Issues' Stall MLB's Adoption of Robots to Call...


Technical Issues’ Stall MLB’s Adoption of Robots to Call Balls and Strikes

Technical Issues’ Stall MLB’s Adoption of Robots to Call Balls and Strikes
Will Major League Baseball games use “automated” umpires next year to watch pitches from home plate and call balls and strikes?
“We still have some technical issues,” baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred said Thursday. NBC News reports:

“We haven’t made as much progress in the minor leagues this year as we sort of hoped at this point. I think it’s becoming more and more likely that this will not be a go for ’25.”

Major League Baseball has been experimenting with the automated ball-strike system in minor leagues since 2019. It is being used at all Triple-A parks this year for the second straight season, the robot alone for the first three games of each series and a human with a [robot-assisted] challenge system in the final three.

In “challenge-system” games, robo-umpires are only used for quickly ruling on challenges to calls from human umpires. (As demonstrated in this 11-second video.)

CBS Sports explains:

Each team is given a limited number of “incorrect” challenges per game, which incentivizes judicious use of challenges… In some ways, the challenge system is a compromise between the traditional method of making ball-strike calls and the fully automated approach. That middle ground may make approval by the various stakeholders more likely to happen and may lay the foundation for full automation at some future point.

Manfred cites “a growing consensus in large part” from Major League players that that’s how they’d want to see robo-umpiring implemented, according to a post on from The Athletic’s Evan Drellich. (NBC notes one concern is eliminating the artful way catchers “frame” caught pitches to convince umpires a pitch passed through the strike zone.)

But umpires face greater challenges today, adds CBS Sports:

The strong trend, stretching across years, of increased pitch velocity in the big leagues has complicated the calling of balls and strikes, as has the emphasis on high-spin breaking pitches. Discerning balls from strikes has always been challenging, and the stuff of the contemporary major-league pitcher has made anything like perfect accuracy beyond the capabilities of the human eye. Big-league umpires are highly skilled, but the move toward ball-strike automation and thus a higher tier of accuracy is likely inevitable. Manfred’s Wednesday remarks reinforce that perception.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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