Technology Is There Life on This Saturn Moon? Scientists...


Is There Life on This Saturn Moon? Scientists Plan a Mission to Find Out

Is There Life on This Saturn Moon? Scientists Plan a Mission to Find Out

It’s one of Saturn’s 146 moons — just 310 miles in diameter (or 498 kilometers). Yet the European Space Agency plans to send a robot on a one-billion mile trip to visit it. Why?
Because astronomers have discovered Enceladus “possesses geysers that regularly erupt from its surface and spray water into space,” reports the Guardian:

Even more astonishing, these plumes contain complex organic compounds, including propane and ethane. “Enceladus has three key ingredients that are considered to be essential for the appearance of life,” said astronomer Professor Michele Dougherty of Imperial College London. “It has got liquid water, organic material and a source of heat. That combination makes it my favourite moon in the whole solar system.”
A panel of expert scientists have now recommended the Saturn moon for an ESA mission by 2040, according to the article, “with the aim of either landing on the moon or flying through the geysers spraying water and carbon chemicals from its surface into space. Preferably, both goals would be attempted, the panel added.”
It will be tricky. Dougherty warns that Enceladus “is small with weak gravity, which means you will need a lot of fuel to slow it down so that it does not whiz past its target into deep space. That is going to be a tricky issue for those designing the mission.” But Dougherty has a special interest, as the principal investigator for the magnetometer flown on the Cassini mission that studied Saturn and its moons between 2004 and 2017.
“At one point, Cassini passed close to Enceladus and our instrument indicated Saturn’s magnetic field was being dragged round the moon in a way that suggested the little moon had an atmosphere,” said Dougherty. Cassini’s managers agreed to direct the probe to take a closer look and, in July 2005, the spaceship swept over the moon’s surface at a height of 173km — and detected significant amounts of water vapour. “It was wonderful,” recalls Dougherty.

Subsequent sweeps produced even greater wonders. Huge geysers of water were pictured erupting from geological fault lines at the south pole. The only other body in the solar system, apart from Earth, possessing liquid water on its surface had been revealed. Finally came the discovery of organics in those plumes and Enceladus went from being rated a minor, unimportant moon to a world that is now set to trigger the expenditure of billions of euros and decades of effort by European astronomers and space engineers.
Thanks to long-time Slashdot reader thephydes for sharing the article.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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