Sales Cold Email AI: How to Use AI to Close...


Cold Email AI: How to Use AI to Close 10x More Deals in 2024

Cold Email AI: How to Use AI to Close 10x More Deals in 2024

How much time do you spend manually finding the prospects, writing personalized emails, and analyzing the replies from your prospects? 

A lot, right?

Now imagine saving all this time without compromising on quality.

Sounds unbelievable? But it is possible with the power of AI. 

Using AI, you can identify the best prospects, craft personalized emails at scale, and automate your outreach process without losing the human touch (which is crucial to gain engagement in your cold email campaigns).

In this blog, we will be discussing everything related to cold email AI. We’ll also show how you can use AI to launch a cold email campaign in 12 minutes and close 10x more deals.

Let’s get started! 

Cold Email AI: Table of Contents

What is the Role of AI in Cold Email?

  AI plays a crucial role in cold emailing by personalizing email content at scale and automating processes to optimize and enhance the effectiveness of your cold email campaigns in various ways.

For instance, AI can help you define your ICP by creating buyer personas, analyze the conversations between you and your prospects, and save time that would be spent on opening and reading each reply, allowing you to prioritize more important opportunities faster. 

Moreover, with AI email assistants, you can automate the writing process while maintaining a personalized touch, mimicking human-like conversations to build a robust sender reputation. 

How You Can Use AI to Create an Effective Cold Email Campaign?

As we have already discussed in the previous section, using AI in cold emailing can be a game-changer. Therefore, we will show you step-by-step how you can use AI to see a significant increase in the open and reply rates of your cold email campaigns.

Let’s get started!

1. Use AI to Define & Identify Your ICP 

You can use AI to understand more about your target audience, their pain points, location, preferred social media channels, and how your offering can help them achieve better results faster. 

Knowing your ICPs in detail can help you create a valuable offer and craft messages that resonate with them.

In this section, we will show you how you can build buyer personas with ChatGPT and later use that information to find your ICPs with Saleshandy’s B2B database.

Build Buyer’s Persona with ChatGPT

We usually use this ChatGPT prompt to create buyer personas in less than 10 seconds:

ChatGPT Prompt

We provide cold email marketing software for SDRs and lead generation agencies in small to mid-sized businesses. Our tool focuses on personalizing, automating, and scaling cold email campaigns to enhance deliverability and lead generation. Create five detailed buyer personas who would benefit from our services. These will guide our sales strategies and help us understand our customer base. Details Required for Each Persona: - Job Title - Company Size - Annual Revenue - Targeted Location: USA Additional Details: - Industry Verticals - Pain Points - Goals and Objectives - Decision-Making Factors - Preferred Communication Channels Display the information in a tabular format for clear and concise analysis.

Here’s an example buyer persona we generated using the ChatGPT prompt:

Cold email ai using ChatGPT

Use Saleshandy’s B2B Lead Finder to Build a Lead List

You’ve gathered information about your target audience’s job title, company size, pain points, annual revenue, location, etc, using ChatGPT. 

Now, you need to use this goldmine of data in Saleshandy’s B2B Lead Finder to find your ideal prospects’ email addresses and phone numbers so that you can reach out to them.

Saleshandy offers an extensive  B2B database of 700 million verified professional profiles across more than 60 million businesses worldwide. To ensure accurate results, you can use its advanced filters, such as job location, role and department, annual revenue, industry, and more.

Saleshandy B2B Lead Finder

To get your prospect’s contact information with Saleshandy, all you need to do is:

  • Go to Saleshandy’s B2B Lead Finder.
  • Apply relevant filters such as:
    • Job Title: Lead Generation Manager
    • Company Size: 10-50 people
    • Revenue: $1-$10M, etc. 

Try to add as many filters as possible to find the perfect ICP.

  • It will display your ICP’s email address and phone number.
  • Download all the selected prospect’s data in a .csv file to build an email list of your prospects. 

2. Generate & Personalize Your Cold Emails With AI

In one of its press releases, Gartner predicted that in the next two years, 30% of outbound messages will be generated using AI. 

So yeah, you can use AI tools like ChatGPT to generate cold email copies, CTAs, and subject lines at scale with minimal manual effort. 

Moreover, since you’ve already created your lead list, you know who you are going to reach out to, thus this will help you create content that is more relevant and resonates with your prospects.

But ChatGPT has one problem: It will only give you good results if you feed it good information.  

Therefore, we will share a few points you can keep in mind while prompting ChatGPT to generate cold emails. 

Factors to Keep in Mind While Crafting the ChatGPT Prompt to Create Cold Emails:

  • Use Case:  Always remember ChatGPT is just a tool; you can’t give vague instructions and expect great results. To make sure that ChatGPT gives you a cold email that matches your expectations, make sure you give it a use case, like why you are writing this email.
  • ICP: Mention who you are reaching out to; specify their designation. 
  • Pain points: Don’t forget to mention your prospects’ pain points. 
  • Solution & Goals: Tell how your product/service can help your ICP to overcome their primary challenges   
  • Structure: Provide proper instructions on the Number of paragraphs, length of the email, and what it should contain, such as an introduction, context, value proposition, CTA, etc.

Always Remember: While giving prompts to ChatGPT Clarity and Conciseness are your best allies. 

For instance, we have given prompts like “Keep it 100 words, bold the CTA and don’t write big paragraphs” to make sure ChatGPT doesn’t give us lengthy cold emails. 

Here are the prompts we created by following all the instructions mentioned above. 

Prompt 1

Lead Generation

Write a cold email to a prospect in the SaaS industry. Their pain points are the inability to generate leads and the manual process taking too long. We are offering a Cold email lead generation tool as a solution with advanced features and comparatively affordable pricing. Keep it short and use the structure - subject line, personalized intro (paragraph 1), quick context (paragraph 2), value prop (paragraph 3), clear CTA (paragraph 4), and email signature. Keep it 100 words, boldly put the CTA, and don't write big paragraphs.

Prompt 2

Book more meetings

Craft a compelling email inviting SaaS managers to a personal demo of our time-saving software, highlighting the pain points of workflow inefficiency and our proven solutions. Keep it short and use the structure -, personalized intro (paragraph 1), quick context (paragraph 2), value prop (paragraph 3), clear CTA (paragraph 4), and email signature - keep it 100 words, bold the CTA, and don't write big paragraphs.

Prompt 3

Introduce a New Feature

Draft a cold email introducing a new feature of your project management software designed to enhance team collaboration. Target current users who may need to be made aware of the update. Structure the email with a subject line, personalized intro (paragraph 1), explanation of the new feature (paragraph 2), benefits of using this feature (paragraph 3), clear CTA to try the feature (paragraph 4), and an email signature. Keep the email concise at around 100 words, bold the CTA, and ensure each paragraph is short.

Prompt 4

Close More Deals

Compose an email for a sales team to send to prospects at the negotiation stage. Highlight the exclusivity and limited-time offer of your consulting services that can significantly boost their business operations. Include a subject line, personalized intro acknowledging the ongoing discussions (paragraph 1), a quick recap of the offer (paragraph 2), compelling reasons to close the deal now (paragraph 3), a bold CTA to finalize the deal (paragraph 4), and an email signature. Keep the email brief, around 100 words, with succinct paragraphs.

Prompt 5

Share a New Offer

Write a cold email targeting new leads interested in digital marketing services. The email should introduce a special package deal that is available for a limited time. Use a structure that includes a subject line, a personalized intro making a connection (paragraph 1), brief context about the offer (paragraph 2), the advantages of taking up this new offer (paragraph 3), a bold CTA to sign up or get more information (paragraph 4), and an email signature. Ensure the email is concise, around 100 words, with each paragraph kept brief.

Recommended Read: You can explore more ChatGPT prompts for writing cold emails here

Copy the Cold Email Sequence to Saleshandy

Once you have generated cold email copies with ChatGPT, copy and paste them into Saleshandy to create a hyper-personalized cold email sequence. 

 Here is how you can do it: 

  • Go to Saleshandy’s website, sign up for free, and connect your email address. Read this document to get started with Saleshandy. 
  • Once you are all set, you need to click on Create Sequence. 
  • You will be directly taken to an email creator. Just paste the cold email, subject line, and CTA you created using ChatGPT. 
  • Now, you need to use the following Saleshandy features to create personalized emails that don’t land in the spam folders:
  • Spintax: Saleshandy allows you to create variations of words and sentences in email copies with Spintax. For instance, instead of sending “Hi” in all the emails, by using Spintax you can automatically send variations like “Hello,” “Hey,” etc. in all your email campaigns.
Spintax feature by saleshandy
  • Spammy Word Detector: Saleshandy’s spammy word detector flags the words ESPs would recognize as spammy.
Spammy word detector by Saleshandy
  • Merge Tags: With Merge Tags, you can dynamically insert your prospect’s first name, last name, company name, etc., into your emails. 
Merge Tags by Saleshandy
  • Make sure you add at least 3-5 follow-up emails to increase the likelihood of getting a reply.

Pro tip from the cold email experts at Saleshandy: You should use the A-Z testing feature by Saleshandy to test up to 26 variations of your email copies, CTAs, and subject lines to get an understanding of what works best for you. 

  • Don’t forget to send a test email to make sure everything looks good. 
  • Now, turn the email sequence “Active.”

That’s it! Within 10-12 minutes, you can create 

Bonus: Copy This Cold Email Sequence That Helped Us to Book $5-6 Figure Deals

Here is the super-effective cold email sequence that we have created using ChatGPT. To help you save time, we have also added Spintax and Merge Tags to it using Saleshandy.

Important Note: While we may have created these emails using ChatGPT, we have tailored and proofread them according to our goals. Hence make sure that you also tailor it to your business requirements.

Initial Email

On {{Company}}'s website, right now {{First Name}},

{spin} Saw | Noticed {endspin} you {spin} have | provide {endspin} lead generation & cold {spin} email | outreach {endspin}-related services. {spin} Was wondering | Curious to know {endspin} if you are paying per {spin} workspace | client {endspin} to your cold email outreach {spin} tool | platform {endspin}. Though most of the {spin} tools | platforms {endspin} does provide unlimited email accounts but what about {spin} charging | pricing {endspin} {spin} per workspace | per client {endspin} i.e. increasing your {spin} costs | expenses {endspin} {spin} each | every {endspin} time you {spin} onboard | add {endspin} a new client. Saleshandy Agency account allows you to {spin} onboard | add {endspin} unlimited clients, connecting unlimited email accounts and high email deliverability. {spin} Worth to have a 15-30 min discussion regarding the same & discuss, {{First Name}}. | Worth having a chat, {{First Name}}? | Worth scheduling a conversation, {{First Name}}? | Mind if I share more information, {{First Name}}? {endspin}

Follow-up Email 1

{First Name}, doing cold email outreach?

{spin} Hey | Hi {endspin} {{First Name}}, {spin} Let me quickly back up my claim. | I Just wanted to follow up regarding my previous email. {endspin} {spin} Some | Few {endspin} {spin} tools | platforms {endspin} {spin} offers | provide {endspin} unlimited email accounts but what about {spin} charging | pricing {endspin} per {spin} workspace | client {endspin} or per {spin} user | team members {endspin}? Why {spin}increase | raise{endspin} your costs each time you {spin} onboard | add {endspin} a new client or need to add {spin} user | team member {endspin}? {spin} Up for a quick discussion, {{First Name}}? | Worth scheduling a conversation, {{First Name}}? {endspin}

Follow-up Email 2

Share a New Offer

{spin} Hey | Hi {endspin} {{First Name}}, {spin} Let me quickly back up my claim. | I Just wanted to follow up regarding my previous email. {endspin} {spin} Some | Few {endspin} {spin} tools | platforms {endspin} {spin} offers | provide {endspin} unlimited email accounts but what about {spin} charging | pricing {endspin} per {spin} workspace | client {endspin} or per {spin} user | team members {endspin}? Why {spin}increase | raise{endspin} your costs each time you {spin} onboard | add {endspin} a new client or need to add {spin} user | team member {endspin}? {spin} Up for a quick discussion, {{First Name}}? | Worth scheduling a conversation, {{First Name}}? {endspin}

3. Analyze Your Cold Email Campaigns with AI 

So, you have identified your ICPs and sent a cold email campaign using AI. That’s great!

Now, how would you feel if you knew you had someone dedicated to reading all the replies from your prospects?

Well, it’s possible with the help of Saleshandy’s AI prospect outcome feature.

AI outcome feature by Saleshandy

It uses robust ML algorithms to analyze the sentiment of email responses, identify emotions in the email copies, and scan them for specific keywords or phrases. This automatically categorizes your replies under interested, not interested, meeting booked, closed, not now, and do not contact.

This is actually a very useful feature to boost your efficiency. You’ll be able to save all your valuable time that would go into reviewing each reply from prospects and instead put it into activities that will help you get more deals.

3 Cold Email AI Tools for Better Outreach

Cold email AI tools use technologies like ML & AI  to improve the process of prospecting and outreach and make it more efficient. 

Here is a list of the best cold email AI tools:

1. Saleshandy 

G2: 4.6/5 ⭐ (500+ reviews) 
Capterra: 4.5/5 ⭐ (120+ reviews)  

Saleshandy is an all-in-one cold email outreach tool that allows you to find your ideal prospects, maintain high deliverability rates, and craft personalized emails to book more meetings

Saleshandy dashboard

It has the largest B2B databases, with 700M+ contacts and 60M+ companies, which allows you to find your prospect’s accurate email address and phone number. Moreover, you can directly import these contacts into your email sequences and start sending emails. 

Key Features

  • AI prospect outcome: Saleshandy uses AI to analyze all your replies and categorize them as Interested, not interested, booked, closed, etc. 
  • Budget-friendly Pricing Plans: You can connect unlimited email addresses, create unlimited sequences, and add unlimited clients to your workspace without paying additional fees. 
  • AI Email Writing Assistant: You can use features like Spammy Word Detector and Spintax to create unique and personalized email copies that won’t get flagged by ESPs. 
  • Optimum Email Deliverability: Saleshandy follows a human-like email-sending mechanism and also provides other features like sender rotation and sequence to provide 
  • Powerful Integrating Capabilities: With Saleshandy, you can use APIs and webhooks to connect your favorite sales tools and boost productivity. Moreover, Saleshandy offers native integrations with Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive, and Zoho. 

Pricing Plans ( Billed Annually) 

  • Outreach Starter: $25 /Month (unlimited email accounts)
  • Outreach Pro: $74 /Month (unlimited email accounts)
  • Outreach Scale: $149 /Month (unlimited email accounts)
  • Outreach Scale Plus 100k: $219/month (unlimited email accounts)

You can explore Saleshandy’s pricing plans and choose the best-suited pricing plan. 

User Reviews from G2: 

Saleshandy user review

Source: G2

2. Lemlist

G2: 4.4/5 ⭐ (200+ reviews) 
Capterra: 4.6/5 ⭐ (300+ reviews) 

The next cold email AI tool on our list is Lemlist. You can use it to reach your prospects on their favorite communication channel and boost your reply rate. Moreover, it offers a Chrome extension that helps you gather leads from LinkedIn and directly import them into your campaigns. 

Lemlist dashboard

Lemlist offers 3 CRMs, 8 Enrichment, and 33 Workflows integrations to streamline your outreach efforts. 

Key Features

  • AI-powered Multi-Channel Sequence: Lemlist allows you to create AI-powered multi-channel sequences for emails, LinkedIn, and calls. 
  • Warm-up Tool:  Lemlist allows you to maintain high deliverability rates via Lemwarm. 
  • Advance Personalization: You can add custom text variables to email copies and customize images, videos, and landing pages to increase engagement rates.

Pricing Plans (Billed Annually) 

  • Email Starter: $ 32/mo/user/1 sending email
  • Email Pro: $55/ mo/user /3 sending email
  • Multichannel Expert:  $79/mo/user / 5 sending email
  • Outreach Scale: $129/mo/user /15 sending email

User Reviews from G2: 

Source: G2


G2: 4.9/5 ⭐ (2,400+ reviews) 
Capterra: N/A

Instantly is a great cold email tool for conducting outreach activities at scale. Its campaign builder allows you to create personalized emails, and advanced scheduling features maximize deliverability and response rates.

Instantly dashboard

Moreover, with Instantly’s advanced analytical dashboard, you can see exactly what’s working for you and also pause the campaigns that are not performing well.

Key Features

  • AI personalization: Instantly’s, AI analyzes your leads and gives you insights to craft more personalized messages.
  • Unibox: You can manage and track all the client conversations in one platform. 
  • Customizable templates: Instantly’s wide template library allows you to choose and tailor cold email copies according to your business requirements. 

Pricing (Billed Annually) 

  • Growth: $37/mo (unlimited email accounts) 
  • Hypergrowth: $97/mo (unlimited email accounts)
  • Light Speed: $358/mo (unlimited email accounts) 

User Reviews from G2: 

Source: G2

Key Takeaways

So, now you know how AI can do the heavy lifting for you and help you launch cold email campaigns that bring results.

The ChatGPT prompts we have shared are all you need to get started; however, to get better results, keep editing and refining them over time.

Here’s a quick recap of what we have covered in our blog:

  • AI can help you find your ideal prospects within seconds.
  • You can use AI to craft hyper-personalized emails for your prospects to build a warm relationship with them and boost response rates.


1. Can these cold email AI tools integrate with my existing CRM?

Absolutely, all the cold email AI tools mentioned in our blog can seamlessly integrate with your existing CRM systems. Saleshandy, Lemlist, and Instantly also offer native integrations with major CRMs like HubSpot, Salesforce, Pipedrive, etc., allowing you to sync data in real time.

2. Is it worth investing in cold email AI tools?

Yes, it is worth investing in cold email AI tools. With these tools, you can find your ideal ICPs within minutes and send personalized emails at scale. This will automatically lead to higher open and response rates and ultimately generate more conversions, justifying the tool’s initial cost.

3. Are there any risks involved in using AI for cold emailing?

To be honest, there are no risks involved in using AI for cold emailing. Just make sure that you don’t directly send email copies created by AI, as they won’t be personalized. However, you can create multiple email copies using AI and then use features like Spintax or Merge Tags offered by tools such as Saleshandy to make your cold emails personalized. 

Source :

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