Marketing 2024 It List: Mosaic Case Study


2024 It List: Mosaic Case Study

2024 It List: Mosaic Case Study

AGENCY: Mosaic North America

ESPN Bet Launches Big in North Carolina

The Challenge

With gambling being legalized in North Carolina, ESPN Bet wanted to make a splash, announce their presence and launch the app in a way befitting the Worldwide Leader in Sports.

The Hard Part?

We needed to do it in 4 weeks.

The Solution

We created the ESPN Bet Tip Off event. A launch party designed to ask fans to make a play, download the app and bet on some of the biggest games in college sports. ESPN Bet Tip Off was hosted by the iconic Stephen A. Smith and was design to immerse fans in the sport they loved. Features included an LED Court, Nothing But Bet Hoop Wall where guests could partake in the tradition of cutting down the mesh, as well as a live Hot Takes segment hosted by Stephen A himself.

The Results

  • 8.5mm Organic Social Impressions
  • 675 Deep Brand Engagements
  • 3.5 hours Average time spent onsite



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